Watch our marvellous moving picture about the story of HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA GIN

HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA GIN is A BRIGHT, TROPICAL TWIST on our classic CUCUMBER and ROSE libation, ridiculously refreshing and perfectly peculiar in all manner of serves.

This marvellous, moving picture is the story of its inception and the (soon-to-be-legendary) trip that led to the creation.

It will be watched by all manner of curious people in Global Travel Retail, on @HendricksGin social media channels and in bartender and Global Travel Retail training.

STARRING Ms Lesley Gracie – The fantastic and fearless, Master Distiller.

SET jointly in the most hospitable corner of  Scotland and in the most inhospitable parts of the Venezuelan jungle.

FEATURING Hendrick’s Amazonia Gin of course and other peculiarities too strange to mention...

This is an odyssey of oddities.

A pilgrimage of the peculiar.

A perilous excursion of extraordinary valour. 

HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA GIN is an airport Global Travel Retail exclusive, so when you are next on your travels, don’t miss the opportunity to PAUSE and procure a bottle before you SALLY FORTH…

Whatever story YOU want to tell, talk to Purple Creative, we would love to help you tell it.

*Made with our friends at Tigrelab and Audiac Audio.

Global Travel Retail  | Brand world  | Animation | Digital

At the Hendrick’s Gin Palace, in the Cabinet of Curiosities, they have a compass that always points towards the UNUSUAL.